Well…I am so damned tired of the repubs talking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to the constitution…always waving copies in peoples faces and saying how much they revere it, and then going back to the legislatures they control and passing blatantly unconstitutional laws. This is happening across the country wherever repubs are in control…from NC to Mississippi and now Oklahoma where the latest these idiots have done is pass a law taking the medical licenses away from any doctor who performs an abortion…yeah, a perfectly legal procedure is being criminalized by idiots that just don’t understand that federal law trumps state law….this from a state that can’t educate it’s kids because of the tax cuts they have given to the rich and crying that there just isn’t any money left, but they have no problem spending millions to defend this blatantly illegal law. What the hell is wrong with the repubs in this country? When did they get so stupid? I just can’t understand why anyone votes for these idiots who obviously don’t have a clue how government works…I just can’t believe this crap….geez…