Well…with the repubs in control here in Michigan, you can continue to expect that they will put their ideology ahead of jobs or roads or anything else the state needs…and the latest is the three new anti abortion laws that were just introduced that would make abortion illegal if you can hear a fetal heartbeat….just another attempt to take control of women’s bodies away from them…and one that is clearly unconstitutional when you read Roe v. Wade and the recent court decisions that have struck down these exact bills in other states…but, that won’t stop the repubs here from passing these bills and then paying for prolonged court fights with yours and my tax dollars. What the hell is wrong with these people? Are they just too stupid to read that the courts will never allow these bills to take effect? Or, are they just blinded by ideology and can’t help themselves? The one thing I can’t understand is why any woman would vote for these pricks…geez…