Well…haven’t been thinking too much about what to write today but I do need to find something so I don’t get too far behind….maybe I’ll take a second look at the papers and see if there is anything there….oh, maybe we should all boycott Florida until they become humans again…I mean, letting ole Zimmerman off for killing a kid but then putting a black woman in jail for 20 years for shooting at her boyfriend (and missing) while he was beating her? No matter what anyone says, racism is alive and well and institutionalized in Florida. Then we have the repubs across this country seemingly unable to do anything but think, talk, and legislate against abortion when even their constituents don’t want that crap from them…so who are they representing? I am damn tired of having these religious nuts getting their way when they only represent about 15% of the people, the hard right that wants to turn this country into a theocracy. Maybe there is a little hope with the filibuster deal that was reached in the senate today….as I’ve said, the repubs only respect power and that Harry Reid finally used his is a good sign…but ole Mitch McConnell acted like the spoiled brat he is and opposed it….now, ole Harry just needs to use the nuke when, not if, the repubs renege on the agreement…