Well…didn’t have to wait too long to see what at a repub dominated congress was going to look like and you only have to see the first three things they worked on to know…the first thing…the very first thing was to pass a bill to cut SS disability payments and to forbid borrowing from the retirement trust fund to pay for the disability side….nevermind that this has been done 15 times in the past 30 years with no effect on retirees and it is the first step in their plan to privatize the disability portion of SS and then the rest of the programs…..the second thing was watering down of Wall street regulations…allowing more of the shenanigans that melted down the economy in 2008…and the third is the 20 week abortion ban that these asses are salivating at and thing will lead to the repeal of Roe v. Wade…never mind that the supreme court has said that these bans are illegal…but you and I know the repubs only pay attention to the Constitution when it suits their partisan goals…..get out the veto pen Obama….you’re going to need it….