Ted Cruz is running…

Well…I’m not sure if I should cheer or just break out the popcorn…Ted Cruz announced he is running for president this morning. I can’t remember anything so surreal as this guy even thinking in his wildest fever dreams that he is qualified to be president….what has he ever done other than shut down the government? As his comments last week show, he doesn’t even understand how the internet works, or accept that the world is getting warmer…or believe in evolution, or know what common core is…or believes that a woman should have control over her own body. With his crazy antics in the senate where he has alienated everyone but the hard core tea party folks, where does his base come from? Where does he get the 51% he would need to get elected in the general? With the general consensus from almost all of the people that have met him that he just a just a huge asshole, this has to be his ego talking…or he is already tired of being a senator and wants to get the grift started just like the quitter from Wassila….whatever the reasons, it is going to be a lot of fun to watch…and it will give me things to write about again….yay….

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