Mike Pence is either a liar or stupid..you pick…

Well…just watched the Mike Pence news conference and the only thoughts that came into my head is either lying or stupid…or maybe both, trying to make people believe that he never thought the law would result in discrimination while it’s supporters, who stood behind him when he signed it crowed that discrimination was the purpose of the law. But the striking thing to me is how well he used the repub playbook of victimhood….that Indiana is the target of a “smear” campaign by outside media and the problem is just of “perception” of the law. If you follow the news at all, this is the go to repub tactic whenever they are challenged on this nonsense….it’s not that the law will permit discrimination (it does) but the perception that people have that it will allow discrimination…or that people found out that this law will permit discrimination and they surely wanted to hide it from the general public…just like they lied about right to work here in Michigan and Wisconsin. The “outside media” claim was exploded by the biggest paper in the State…the “Indianapolis Star” having a front page editorial today that called on the Governor to get rid of this hate legislation and ensure equal rights for all people in Indiana…but ole Mike said that rights for everyone is different than this law so they have to be dealt with later….he even said last week that LGBT rights were not on his agenda. So, bottom line…the repubs got caught trying to use the law to discriminate against people they hate…that’s the only takeaway…that they got caught…not that it is wrong to discriminate…what a bunch of asses…geez…

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