Well….it was an okay day yesterday with getting a few things done but it was another night of terrible sleep so I guess that offsets it…I did get the spring cleaning done to the car and it was depressing to see the effects of another winter on it….but, I got sunburned in just the half hour it took to clean the outside…just didn’t realize that I would burn in that short of a time…need to use the sunscreen when I get on the bike, too, since my face has gotten pretty red in the past couple of days….have been getting cramps in my calves over the past two days and I think it’s from only eating once a day to try to bring my weight down from the winter….need to remember to take some ibuprofen before I get on the bike today to see if that helps….and I need to remember the daily aspirin to keep the heart from exploding when I sprint…not much to today…I do need to watch the Wings play tonight and I am going to cook another ham today so I’ll have protein for the next week…haven’t made any cash for the past two weeks so I do need to eat cheap…but, I’m almost out of coffee so that is going to be bad…..more later….