Well….as the bidding goes on and states keep falling all over themselves to see how much money they can give to corporations to “create jobs”….there have been a couple of new studies that have come out that say that it doesn’t work…two repub budget directors from here in Michigan have weighed in on the Snyder tax cuts for business that were supposed to create jobs…or that ole Snyder is lying about saying they did…there have been no jobs found that can be attributed to those tax cuts…the only thing they have done is bust the budget and ensure that the roads won’t be fixed…there was also another study that I would think would be the final nail in the tax cut coffin….in New York state, they doled out over 30 million dollars to the “job creators” and guess what was the result? 76 jobs…yep, 76 jobs for 30 million dollars of taxpayers money…..when is this idiocy going to stop? geez,,,,,