Well…with the cloture vote that happened today and the scheduling of the full senate vote on the TPP (the trans Pacific Partnership) trade agreement there is only one thing you need to know about the president selling out the working people of the US…and that is that it has the overwhelming support of the repubs in both the senate and house…in fact, without this support, there would be no TPP agreement…remember that, it is a repub supported plan and that is all you need to know…that the repubs, that hate American workers and do everything in their power to help the owners screw them are the ones that are lauding this monstrosity that gives away the country…more than that, the entire world to corporations…the workers days are over and it was done with the unholy alliance of a dem president and the repubs that have hated him from the start…why would they now work with him unless this agreement is everything they want? This is crap and Obama knows it…what legacy is he trying to leave behind? Not the one he wants, I’m sure…geez…