Well…running really late today with not getting out of bed until 7:30 this morning..the one thing I can’t understand is even with getting up that late, I still feel like I haven’t slept at all…and, with the looks of the bed, there was major tossing and turning last night…..didn’t get out to blues yesterday since K called an invited me over to hang out around the pool and that looked much easier….didn’t much else yesterday and I don’t feel bad about it…I’m taking this week off from guilt about anything and I am just going to do what I want instead of what I should do…in that vein, it was a cocktail night last night and I watched a neat little movie called “St. Vincent” with Bill Murray in it…pretty funny….not much to do today…need to look at the radar to see if there is rain coming for the bike ride but I may go anyway…don’t mind getting wet if it’s warm….more later…