Well…have been meaning to do this one for a long time…at least since I read about it last week….as you know, there is a crisis with college debt in this country with many people coming out owing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for a bachelor’s degree…but wait, ole Marco has a solution to that problem…and that is…drumroll please, to find a rich person and sell yourself to them…yep, ole Marco doesn’t want to make it more affordable…nope that’s not the repub way…he actually said that you should sell yourself to a rich person by having them pay for your college and then you owe them 10% of your wages for the rest of your life. Man, I don’t know if he has read any history in his life, but that kind of thing was called indentured servitude and it was outlawed many years ago….I can just see it now, you sell yourself and then that rich person controls your life forever….want to take a different job…have to check with the slaveowner, want to move to another state, check with your slaveowner…you get the drift….I am astounded by the stupidity of these people….geez…