Well….have had a bunch of stuff swirling around in my head about the repub candidates and how stupid they appear when they are on tv with seemingly no ability to do any response or think anything but the talking points they have been handed by their billionaires the day before. Starting with ole Scott Walker…his latest jaw dropper happened a couple of days ago where he said he would be ready to attack Iran on his inauguration day…that right there is enough to disqualify that idiot as is his assertion that he is not sure if gays are born gay…even though all of the studies have shown they are…that kind of ignorance is strike two…okay, let’s do strike three on this idiot…that his favorite foreign policy decision was ole Ronnie firing the air traffic controllers…what the hell that has to do with foreign policy, I don’t know….I think I’ll turn this into a series and take them one by one…JEB! is next tomorrow….