Well…running a little late today since I had to do the grocery run this morning..how do you spend 45 bucks at the grocery store and come home with nothing? At least I had the 45 bucks to spend….slept okay last night but no dreams this time and I’m okay with that…I was good again last night but that is going to go away tonight…after all, how can you watch the repub debates without a cocktail or four? I do feel okay today but there is a general soreness that I haven’t felt in a while….okay…going to go get some ibuprofen…that’s done…have to prep for the bike ride or my wrists and right tricep will cramp up on me…not really cramp but I think it’s tendon swelling from irritation….I do like my new coffee maker…it makes better tasting coffee than the last one and it has chrome accents on it that I like…not much to do today…going to do the bathroom since I counted 12 spiders in there this morning and the shower needs to be cleaned…I do have to watch Jon Stewart’s last show but I’m not sure I’ll make it tonight…probably have to watch the rerun tomorrow night…more later….