Well…it was an okay but busy day yesterday and I did get a few things done so that was cool…didn’t sleep well but that’s normal and I feel worn out today…that may be from not getting any exercise yesterday and now I’m waiting for the rain to stop so I can get back into the routine….the car worked perfectly yesterday even with the 200 miles and hot temps and I even had the air on for the last 30 miles that felt food…need to check the gas mileage just to see where I’m sitting…still has a half tank left after 200 miles so the estimate is about 30 or so and that is pretty good…I can’t wait for this darned humidity to end…I am tired of being damp all the time…probably shouldn’t complain too much since it is quickly coming into the cold weather…not much to do today…going to get back into the routine and use this as a recovery day….more later…