Well…not sure if you remember this one or not but I find it funny enough to write about it again….there was a huge military exercise in Texas and other southwest states this summer…just like they have held it for years and years, but this year the crazies on the right went nuts with their conspiracy theories saying that it was going to be a takeover of Texas by the federal government. Not only a takeover, but there were secret tunnels under abandoned Walmarts and FEMA camps where “true patriots” were going to be rounded up and then their guns were going to be taken away…and something, something….you get my drift. The funny thing here is no matter how ridiculous this all sounds, almost half of all repubs believed this crap…now, how frickin delusional do you have to be to believe this nonsense? Now, they no longer have to be scared…Jade Helm ended last week and, as far as I can see, Texas is still there, no one has been rounded up and the tunnels under the Walmarts are still empty….I wonder what the next big conspiracy is going to be for these folks? What must it be like to live in that kind of a fevered brain? Something I never want to know…geez…