Well…it was a little bit of a surprise to hear that ole John Boehner has decided to resign from congress at the end of October and I’m not sure if I should be happy or what…after all, he is going to go down in history as the worst house speaker in history but I think his biggest failing was emboldening the crazy, right wing vandal caucus to try to blow up the government. Especially when he scheduled 50 votes to repeal Obamacare to try to mollify them when he knew it had no chance to ever become law….and that it would just make the righties even more delusional, allowing them to control the House when there is only about 40 of them. What he should have done is schedule one vote, then work with the dems to get things done…just ignoring the bomb throwers. But no, he wanted to continue to be speaker and put his own personal status before that of the US so he allowed them to control him and at the same time, ensure that nothing would get done. I kind of think it may be like watching a train wreck for the next month…that you just can’t look away even though people are going to be maimed…bye, bye, John…