Here’s some irony for you…

Well…we had some exciting news from NASA yesterday where they revealed that there is liquid water on Mars during what is it’s summer…as you know, on Earth, everywhere there is liquid water there is life…from the deserts to miles underground, there is life, even in places you would never think it would be. But, this discovery of water rises to irony when you remember a little treaty that was signed by all the countries on Earth in 1968…that we would never send a probe to investigate anywhere there is liquid water avoid contaminating that world with earth organisms that have been shown to be able to survive in space…they even put a bunch of microbes on the outside of the ISS and left it exposed to hard space for two years with most of them surviving the vacuum and the extremes of hot and cold that exist there. So, where does that leave us? One of the rovers that is now in Gale crater is near some of these water flows and can’t be sent to look at them…and no new probes…even the Mars 2020 one that is supposed to bring back samples can go near them….this is a conundrum that we need to address…with the possible discovery of life on another planet, how can we tie our own hands? Not sure what the answer is but the water discovery is still exciting….

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