One more on ole Ben…

Well…if you have listened to Ben Carson with some sort of critical ear…you know he is just a delusional liar, but today another huge lie was exposed that has me shaking my head…one of the stories he told and continues to tell is one where he says he was offered a full ride scholarship to West Point after having a long talk with General Westmorland when he was 17…the problem with that is that it never happened…he may have met the general while they were at the same dinner at that time, but there is no record that he ever applied to West Point…there is no congressperson that put forth his application…which is necessary…there is no record whatsoever that this even happened…so what does that make him….let me think…a liar? The sad thing is that him being such a bald faced liar will not hurt him with the idiots on the right…..they will blame it on the “lamestream” media as ole Ben has already started to do….this guy should never be in any office…anywhere….he shouldn’t even be in this race…geez…

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