Well…not sure if you have been following the news like I have time to do, so I think I’ll do one on some short takes since I am having trouble making sense of a big issue to do a whole one on….first, let’s start with the fascist, racist Donald and his comments the other day on the beating of a protester at one of his rallies….after his racist crowd set upon a BLM protester and beat him, the Donald didn’t say that they shouldn’t…he said the guy deserved it and just shrugged…seems similar to any authoritarian party around the world…dissent is not allowed and is usually met with violence….then we have the second place candidate for the idiot repubs showing his ignorance of everything again…I have a couple of those here that I want to comment on….first, he said that he doesn’t think that there are racial disparities in policing in this country, basically asking the questioner to prove it…which he did but that didn’t stop ole Ben…he just KNOWS it’s not true even though there is a mountain of evidence that shows it is….then ole Ben showed his total lack of historical knowledge by saying that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution when Jefferson was in France in 1787 as the ambassador had nothing to do with it…I can understand his confusion since Jefferson did write the Declaration but cripes…do facts mean anything to this guy? Okay…that’s enough for now….there is a soccer match on and I need to clean my brain out…..
Tag Archives: Ben Carson
I guess there are no rules for the right…
Well….if you have been following politics for a long time as I have, you will no doubt remember the rule that the repubs used to have..”never speak ill of another repub”….looking at what is going on now, that rule has been shredded and dumped down the sewer. You only have to look at the spat between ole Donald and Ben Carson when the Donald compared ole Ben to a child molester to start and then trotted out some tried and true racist dog whistles to go after him since he is rising in the polls. Then ole Ben shot back with the comment that “he is terribly sad for Donald” and it is bad to see him “implode before our eyes”….now, I can see the ads that are going to be run if either of these idiots gets nominated and it won’t be pretty since they will use the words of other repubs to attack the nominee and the dems won’t even have to write anything. Contrast that to the deep policy discussions that are going on on our side….now, I am not naive enough to think that no one on our side will go negative…after all, negativity works in some instances and we do want to win…I am laughing at the lack of discipline on the right when they have lived by staying on the talking point message so well over the past few years…just hope they keep it up….
Just one more on ole Ben…
Well…I know I’ve been doing a lot of these on ole Ben Carson but damn, he’s such an easy target that I just have to….and the latest thing shows that this idiot has an ego that is bigger than anyone’s in the world probably…the other day, trying to justify his absolute lack of political experience and knowledge, he compared himself to the founding fathers, stating that none of them had ever held elected office either…but, when he was told that most of them really had held offices in the early governments before the US was born, he comes back with the lame, lame qualifier that none of them had held FEDERAL office….which of course is true since there were no federal offices at that time. The whole idea that this idiot is comparing himself to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin and the rest is just the worst sort of egoism…the only thing he has in common with any of these guys is his first name…to compare himself to the people who built the structure of this country that endures to this day is so over the top that I am going to stop commenting here and just let that soak in for a while…what a maroon…..
One more on ole Ben…
Well…if you have listened to Ben Carson with some sort of critical ear…you know he is just a delusional liar, but today another huge lie was exposed that has me shaking my head…one of the stories he told and continues to tell is one where he says he was offered a full ride scholarship to West Point after having a long talk with General Westmorland when he was 17…the problem with that is that it never happened…he may have met the general while they were at the same dinner at that time, but there is no record that he ever applied to West Point…there is no congressperson that put forth his application…which is necessary…there is no record whatsoever that this even happened…so what does that make him….let me think…a liar? The sad thing is that him being such a bald faced liar will not hurt him with the idiots on the right…..they will blame it on the “lamestream” media as ole Ben has already started to do….this guy should never be in any office…anywhere….he shouldn’t even be in this race…geez…
Ben Carson is just weird…and crazy…
Well…the more I read about ole Ben, the more I think he really is insane…not only is he a “young earth” evangelical, but, as I said here before, he doesn’t “believe” in science or astronomy. The latest addition to this full vat of crazy comes from a speech that he gave in the late 90′s where he said that he doesn’t believe the archeologists that say that the pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs…he thinks that they were built by the biblical Joseph for grain storage since the bible said that Joseph talked to the pharaohs about grains….I am shaking my head about the crazy in that one…but it goes to ole Ben’s ignorance and his substituting his beliefs for settled science. Not one archeologist supports this idiotic notion and all you have to do is look at the timing…the pyramids were built thousands of years before Joseph was even on the scene and there has never been any grain found there other than the offerings left for the pharaoh’s afterlife needs. Man, this guys is so willfully ignorant, how could he possibly lead a technological nation when science doesn’t mean anything to him? I know the modern repubs have taken know nothingness to an artform but, c’mon…this is just too much….I can’t wait to hear the comments from the rest of the world who are already laughing at us….geez…
Shouldn’t you have to believe in science to be president?
Well…I know the know-nothingness is a badge of honor for many of those on the right but shouldn’t you have to believe in science to be president? I guess not for the ignorant masses on the right and for their leading candidate Ben Carson. In an interview this weekend, ole Ben came out and said that the theory of evolution, which does explain how everything got here, was a plot by the devil to lead people away from religion and that it can be dismissed as false since progressives believe that it does explain how life got to where it is now. He has also said that the science of astronomy is “false” and doesn’t believe in that either. I have never heard more ignorant statements from any supposed “leader” but the right eats this crap up…where did their intelligence go? Or, have they always been this stupid but just hid it better? I cannot believe that in the 21st century anyone can still think that everything they need to know was written by a bunch of ignorant goat herders over 2,000 years ago…geez…
Ben Carson…wow…that’s all I have to say…
Well…if you have been paying any attention to the crazy-assed stuff that ole Ben has been spouting, this may not be a surprise to you…but it was to me and I am shaking my head about the stupidity of this guy…in the past few days, one of the things that old Ben has spewed out of his fever brain is, that if he is elected, he would change the purpose of the Department of Education to be the thought police and to withhold federal funds to any university that espoused teaching ideas that are outside the mainstream…and that mainstream is whatever ole Ben thinks it is…and, all you have to do is look at what this idiot believes to see what a nightmare world he lives in where evolution is the “work of the devil” and any progressive thought needs to be punished. Now, do you see what this looks like? Kinda like China under Mao or Germany under Hitler where people would be punished for thought…never mind that the first amendment protects thought and speech here in the US…but we all know that any repub loves the constitution until people they hate get rights from it….this guy is just batshit crazy and should never be anywhere near any government function other than receiving mental health care….geez…
They are ALL stupid…
Well…if you have been listening to any or all of the repub candidates spout over the past couple of months, there is only one conclusion that you can draw…that they are all stupid. The latest from one of the front runners, Ben Carson, show his ignorance of the law and the constitution in all it’s glory…first, last week, this idiot comes out and says that he could never support a Muslim for president saying that Islam allows them to lie to get elected…well, Ben, if that is a disqualifier, then all of the repubs now running are disqualified. But, the latest one that this idiot came out with today was that just being Muslim should be probable cause for their houses to be searched and their phones tapped. This idiot appears to not know that there is a fourth amendment to the Constitution that prevents these things and was one of the main reasons that the Revolutionary war was fought….but, when scary Muslims are involved, they don’t deserve the same rights as the rest of us American citizens….I knew about this stuff in the 6th grade…this surely should disqualify this idiot from anything but retirement…and I just wish he’d go there…I know the repubs are proud of their ignorance on many subjects but a campaign whose entire reason for being is to promote ignorance and hate is just too much…geez…