Well….if you have been following politics for a long time as I have, you will no doubt remember the rule that the repubs used to have..”never speak ill of another repub”….looking at what is going on now, that rule has been shredded and dumped down the sewer. You only have to look at the spat between ole Donald and Ben Carson when the Donald compared ole Ben to a child molester to start and then trotted out some tried and true racist dog whistles to go after him since he is rising in the polls. Then ole Ben shot back with the comment that “he is terribly sad for Donald” and it is bad to see him “implode before our eyes”….now, I can see the ads that are going to be run if either of these idiots gets nominated and it won’t be pretty since they will use the words of other repubs to attack the nominee and the dems won’t even have to write anything. Contrast that to the deep policy discussions that are going on on our side….now, I am not naive enough to think that no one on our side will go negative…after all, negativity works in some instances and we do want to win…I am laughing at the lack of discipline on the right when they have lived by staying on the talking point message so well over the past few years…just hope they keep it up….