Well…I know I’ve been doing a lot of these on ole Ben Carson but damn, he’s such an easy target that I just have to….and the latest thing shows that this idiot has an ego that is bigger than anyone’s in the world probably…the other day, trying to justify his absolute lack of political experience and knowledge, he compared himself to the founding fathers, stating that none of them had ever held elected office either…but, when he was told that most of them really had held offices in the early governments before the US was born, he comes back with the lame, lame qualifier that none of them had held FEDERAL office….which of course is true since there were no federal offices at that time. The whole idea that this idiot is comparing himself to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin and the rest is just the worst sort of egoism…the only thing he has in common with any of these guys is his first name…to compare himself to the people who built the structure of this country that endures to this day is so over the top that I am going to stop commenting here and just let that soak in for a while…what a maroon…..