Fear and nothing but fear from the right…

Well….for presenting themselves as the big, tough Americans, the repubs sure like to push all fear all the time. And, here they go again with the refugees from Syria that scare repub governors so much that they are refusing to accept any more in their states…and yes, our idiot governor started this whole thing yesterday when he said he was ‘rethinking” taking in any Syrian refugees…as if they have any say in it. Immigration is a federal government function and while it would be nice to have agreement with the governors, it is not necessary…but, the big thing here is the absolute glee that repubs are showing after the Paris attacks, giving them another reason for another war with ole Mitt going so far as to say we need 50,000 troops on the ground right now…after all his investment in the MIC is not making as much money now that we are out of Iraq and heading out of Afghanistan. One thing you will not hear from these idiots is any talk of how to pay for another war, after all, they never paid for the last two and let the dem come in and do the hard work of reducing the deficit and paying the bills. I think it’s time for us to discard these fear mongers…these repubs that are afraid of their own shadows and find danger everywhere…they should be recognizing where the true danger is…a danger that has cost the lives of 280,000 Americans over the past 10 years…the crazy fetish the right has with guns and more guns everywhere….the stupidity, it burns….geez…

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