Well…with all of the shootings that continue to happen all across the country, I have an idea for gun control that dovetails quite well with the repubs continued insistence that the constitution be read and interpreted as it was written with no exceptions for the 2nd amendment especially. But, as you know, they are selective when it comes to the rest of it…ignoring the first and 14th with the latest row about Muslims and gays. Given this insistence, I propose that, if they want to live with an 18th century interpretation of the 2nd, they need to go back to the 18th century’s interpretation of arms. So, the only weapons that should be allowed for anyone would be a smooth bore, flintlock musket or pistol since they are the only guns that were available back then. So, let’s get right on that repubs, since you just frickin love living in the past, live there with your weapons too….geez…