Well…as usual, the repubs are trotting out the tired old bullshit to make sure nothing gets done about gun violence in this country…and since we can’t get one damn repub on board to pass some sensible gun reforms, it is time to call a general strike across this country to shut the whole thing down until they agree to do something about banning the assault weapons that been involved in every damn shooting in this country for the past 10 years. Ever since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in the 90′s by the damn repubs…again…there have been millions of these things sold in this country…and to emphasize how dangerous these weapons are, even the damn Marines don’t allow trained soldiers to carry them around on their bases…they are locked up and only issued when there is a deployment or training. There is no damn reason an 18 year old, untrained kid should be able to go in to any store in many states and buy as many of these death machines as they want…and as much ammunition they want to go with it. So, if the repubs don’t listen to the 90% of the people in this country who want sensible gun control, let’s just strike and shut this country down until they do…and then vote every damn one of them out of office in the fall…
Tag Archives: gun control
But wait, there’s more…
Well…with all of the attention given to the miraculous supreme court decision announced yesterday that yes, LGBTQ people here in the US have the same rights as everyone else and can’t be fired or discriminated against for who they are, there were two more cases that were also decided that put the old advertising hook in my head..”but wait, there’s more!” The first one dealt with California passing legislation declaring itself a “sanctuary state” that would not cooperate with the thugs from ICE who were terrorizing the undocumented population there…some with deep roots in the state and most who are contributing members of California society…doing jobs that no one else wants to do at the pay that farm owners want to pay. After the law was passed, trump and his racist cronies sued California for not spending their tax dollars to help them carry out their racist policies of putting children in cages and separating them from their families. Every damn court upheld California’s right to determine how their state will be run and how it’s tax money will be spent…but even after losing in every court, Barr kept up appealing the ruling, thinking that their cronies on the supreme court would certainly allow them to force states to be as racist as they are…but he and the rest of trump’s racist cronies got slapped down when the court told them to go away, that California has the right to control their state. The second case is more about what the court didn’t do…they declined to take 10 cases on gun control that the second amendment nuts had shopped around to right wing trumpist judges who ignored the law to rule in their favor…but after the appeals courts ruled that reasonable restrictions on the second amendment are allowed…as with every other damn amendment, the court declined to take the cases, essentially saying the appeals courts got it right in what they ruled…so now trump is even a bigger loser today than yesterday….he has lost 99% of the cases his crooked justice department under Barr has brought but that won’t stop them for wasting more of the court’s time for the next 6 months….losers all…
My idea for gun control…
Well…with all of the shootings that continue to happen all across the country, I have an idea for gun control that dovetails quite well with the repubs continued insistence that the constitution be read and interpreted as it was written with no exceptions for the 2nd amendment especially. But, as you know, they are selective when it comes to the rest of it…ignoring the first and 14th with the latest row about Muslims and gays. Given this insistence, I propose that, if they want to live with an 18th century interpretation of the 2nd, they need to go back to the 18th century’s interpretation of arms. So, the only weapons that should be allowed for anyone would be a smooth bore, flintlock musket or pistol since they are the only guns that were available back then. So, let’s get right on that repubs, since you just frickin love living in the past, live there with your weapons too….geez…
The backlash is coming….
Well..if you’ve been here at all, you know how I feel about the idiots who are so scared of life that they need to carry guns around with them wherever they go….and, you have also heard me talk about how uncomfortable I am when one of these idiots walks into the coffee shop, etc. where I am….and you have heard the arguments for second amendment rights..yada, yada….what about the rights of those of us that don’t want to be around guns? Then the argument from the gun nuts goes that those who carry guns have to be trained, licensed, etc. and you’ll be happy to have one of them around when you’re getting robbed. Then my argument goes that they are responsible gun owners until they’re not…until they snap from whatever and start shooting. Well…that happened just yesterday when two “responsible” gun owners had a shootout after a road rage incident and both of them ended up dead. Both had licenses to carry their handguns but both of them snapped…what would have happened if only one of them had a gun? Another person would have been killed by a “responsible” gun owner…and it wouldn’t make him or her any less dead. What if there would have other people in the car wash where they chose to have their gun battle? Do we just chalk them up to be collateral damage and just shrug our shoulders and say “oh, well”? I have had enough of having to change my behavior just so these idiots can look like a big man with his piece strapped to his waist…it is time to stop this crap and restore some sanity to our lives…geez…
Republicans are just bullies…
Well…as I was sitting here thinking a little this morning, a thunderbolt hit me…well, maybe some static electricity, not sure, but the idea that crystallized was that you can reduce all repub behavior to one thing: they are just bullies and love bullying people that can’t fight back. They bully gay people by trying to deprive them of their rights, they bully voters by making it harder and harder to vote, they bully 90% of the country when they gloat (I’m talking to you McConnell you dick,), that they have defeated Obama again on sensible gun regulation, they bully all minorities when you have ole Scalia saying voting rights are a “racial entitlement” and they bully the entire country when they ignore the will of the people and vote to reward their corporate owners at every turn. When this popped into my head, I immediately went to what happened here in Michigan when they stole the retirement income of seniors to give to corporate ceos and they just didn’t give a damn that a large majority of the state didn’t want them to do it….they take politics not as a way to better the lives of all people here in the US, but a game to be “won” by being the pricks and bullies that they are…I am tired of this crap and I think the majority of the people (except for other bullies) want it to stop…and I think we can stop it in 2014…I can’t wait…geez…
Thre crazies come out from the right..
Well…I am shaking my head on how some of the idiots on the right are still walking around free since they seem so crazy…starting with the out that asked the governor of Mass whether the bombings in Boston were a “false flag” operation staged by the government as a pretense to strip everyone of their civil liberties….yep, not making that up…and then we have ole Louie Gohmert of Texas saying the other day that we should hold up immigration reform since al queda has camps all along the Texas border and are training their operatives to “act like Hispanics” now, I’m not sure what acting like a Hispanic is, and I’m sure ole Louie doesn’t either but it just shows that these guys will use any tragedy to try to further their crazy-assed conspiracy theories…and the strange thing is that no one is calling them out on it….especially since there is absolutely no proof that there are camps along the border or any false flag nonsense either. And, now, as of this morning the repubs are going to shoot down any gun reform…even the watered down, loophole ridden bill that is trying to get through the senate even though 90% of the people in the country want it to happen…what a craven bunch of assholes the repubs are…and this last one shows how bought and paid for they are…keep it up repubs….you’ll be gone in two years….geez….
Meandering around…
Well…I have been trying to get a political one out here for a few days and have not had much luck…one thing I did want to comment on is a trend I see..or at least I hope I see..that the repubs have taken control of many states but, as they implement their radical reverse Robin Hood nonsense to reward their rich donors, destroy womens rights, and keep on hating the gays…people are starting to see then for what they are and it is not pretty…and most people are seeing that the “vision” of the repubs is not the vision they want. We just have to look at gun control and the obstructionism that the repubs are using to serve their masters in the NRA…over 90% of the people of this country want some form of background checks before a gun can be purchased and yet the repubs will not let that pass….exactly who are they representing? Here in Michigan we had CEO bonuses paid for by taxing the pensions of retirees and finally people are starting to try to do something about it….I really do hope that we can keep the groundswell going against this nonsense and just maybe we’ll have a country that we can be proud of again, one where everyone has the same rights and can freely exercise them…I have to hold on to that hope….
A couple of things…
Well..I could have made this into two to cheat a little but I’m on track for the month so I’ll just do two short ones for now….first…you just have to marvel at the nerve of the folks at AIG who the taxpayers bailed out when their nonsense almost crashed the world’s economy. Just this week, they have been contemplating a lawsuit against the US because they don’t believe the terms of the agreement was fair…not fair? When they took the first billion and gave bonuses to the folks that were responsible for the crashing? What a bunch of delusional nonsense…
Speaking of delusional…with the push on by Obama to try to install some semblance of sanity to the gun laws in this country, we have the gun nuts in full crazy today…with one guy who runs a gun training outfit down south saying that he is going to start shooting people if there are any new regulations put in place…like background checks for people buying guns at gun shows. This guy should be prosecuted for terrorism….since the first amendment does not cover making threats on your fellow citizens….this is the kind of person who should not have any guns at any time….what a fricking loser whose manhood is so wrapped up in brandishing weapons…geez….what better reason is there for gun control if not this idiot?