Well..I could have made this into two to cheat a little but I’m on track for the month so I’ll just do two short ones for now….first…you just have to marvel at the nerve of the folks at AIG who the taxpayers bailed out when their nonsense almost crashed the world’s economy. Just this week, they have been contemplating a lawsuit against the US because they don’t believe the terms of the agreement was fair…not fair? When they took the first billion and gave bonuses to the folks that were responsible for the crashing? What a bunch of delusional nonsense…
Speaking of delusional…with the push on by Obama to try to install some semblance of sanity to the gun laws in this country, we have the gun nuts in full crazy today…with one guy who runs a gun training outfit down south saying that he is going to start shooting people if there are any new regulations put in place…like background checks for people buying guns at gun shows. This guy should be prosecuted for terrorism….since the first amendment does not cover making threats on your fellow citizens….this is the kind of person who should not have any guns at any time….what a fricking loser whose manhood is so wrapped up in brandishing weapons…geez….what better reason is there for gun control if not this idiot?