Well…as usual, the repubs are trotting out the tired old bullshit to make sure nothing gets done about gun violence in this country…and since we can’t get one damn repub on board to pass some sensible gun reforms, it is time to call a general strike across this country to shut the whole thing down until they agree to do something about banning the assault weapons that been involved in every damn shooting in this country for the past 10 years. Ever since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in the 90′s by the damn repubs…again…there have been millions of these things sold in this country…and to emphasize how dangerous these weapons are, even the damn Marines don’t allow trained soldiers to carry them around on their bases…they are locked up and only issued when there is a deployment or training. There is no damn reason an 18 year old, untrained kid should be able to go in to any store in many states and buy as many of these death machines as they want…and as much ammunition they want to go with it. So, if the repubs don’t listen to the 90% of the people in this country who want sensible gun control, let’s just strike and shut this country down until they do…and then vote every damn one of them out of office in the fall…