Well….I have been trying all day…again…to find a topic that will mean something…well…to me anyway…and I am still not having much luck….I do find it funny that the ultimate birther king, ole Donald has turned his sighst on Ted Cruz since he wasn’t born in the US…using the same methods he always uses to make his lies sound like there may be a grain of truth in them…the old “some people are saying” that Ted isn’t a citizen…just like he said “some people saw” thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 when that wasn’t true either…but, I do relish the fact that he is turning on the other idiots in the repub race…this is going to need some popcorn….I did find another thing funny with the Obamacare repeal bill that was sent to the president, and the repubs all patting themselves on the back for it; knowing it would be vetoed and thinking they were super geniuses for doing it. Are they going to try to run on it this year? Taking insurance away from 20 million people? Man, I can see the ads now and even I could write them…nice job, geniuses….geez…