Well…as I hope you already know, actions by the repub appointed emergency manager in Flint has led to the poisoning of almost all of the residents there…and now our idiot governor has admitted that he knew way back in July that they were doing it…but did nothing about it even though every epidemiologist knows that lead poisoning is cumulative and can’t be fixed. That alone should have ole Snyder in jail or at least out of office…but that wasn’t enough for the ghouls appointed by Snyder…no, not by a long ways…now they are planning on shutting off the poison water since some people can’t pay for it…yeah, how much worse can the repubs get? Ruin the water system, poison the people, and then bitch when people either can’t or won’t pay to get poisoned anymore…just adding insult to injury that will last the rest of the people’s lives. We all know that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but their rich donors or corporations, but this is just too, too much…geez….