Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I got some stuff done around here so that is cool….and my lungs seem to be getting better with much less coughing along with tolerable pain in my back so maybe it was a good day…slept okay last night with some weird dreams that I just won’t relay here since they were really odd…even though I got some stuff done yesterday, I need to continue that today and do the workout I skipped yesterday…wanted to get the stuff done around here and I am getting bored with working out…can’t wait til the trails clear again and I can get out on the bike…I have been doing better on my weight this winter but the calorie restriction has taken away some energy when I go overboard….it has been a good winter so far….just read that we have had half the normal snow for this time of the year…only 30 inĀ when we normally have 60 by now….and, I’m okay with that….not much to do today…going to clean a little and maybe run some errands but that is about it…more later….