Well…..have lost the cursor here so I have to restart the computer…okay…back now….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done….just kind vegged it out all day and I am a little guilty about that but I’ll live through it…slept okay and feel a little slow today so I am hoping the coffee starts to work soon….the one good thing is my back doesn’t hurt at all today so it looks like this pain episode is over…finally….took a couple of months but I am happy that it didn’t end up permanent….the bike ride yesterday was brutal with just no energy in my legs and I am hoping I got enough fuel in yesterday so that won’t happen again today…but, I’m not sure about that….it will be a full thermasuit day on the bike since it is back to being cold again but I’m okay with that…it is February in Michigan after all….not much to do today….and that is the truth…might run an errand but that will be about it…more later…