September 17th part two…

Well…It’s been a kind of weird day with one occurence that I feel I had to share…had a flat tire on the bike today that was kind of exhilarating…it was on the fastest downhill on my route and damn near flipped me into the weeds when it went. I’m glad I wear my running shoes to ride the bike…it was a long 4 1/2 mile walk back but taking it slow allowed me to just look around and enjoy the trail and the day. The flat did one more thing..It reminded me that I do like living where I do…even in this small apartment. The bike shop is less than a block away and it took all of 5 minutes to get the tire fixed including travel time there.

It’s becoming a nice little community out here with the movie theater and the new bar that is opening in a couple of weeks…and even the clientele at the coffee shop is taking on a more eclectic flavor that reminds me of the ones I’ve been in in Chicago…well…that may be stretching it a little but there is more activity happening every day and I kind of like it…

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