Well…it has been a busy day but I did get the ham soup made and made some cash…but, I do have one more to do to get to the goal for the month so here goes…the first thing I want to talk about is the dem infighting that is going on between the Hillary and Bernie supporters. I understand that many of the Bernie supporters are new to the political process and are more driven by idealism… but, politics is a process that needs a dose of realism as well….and that reality is the Hillary will probably win the nomination and no matter how much that hurts Bernie’s supporters (and I am one of them) we need to get back to reality and support the nominee of our party…to sit out the election will hand it to Drumpf and to any person that is based in reality, that can’t be better than having Hillary as president. The second thing is a funny article I read about the “rebranding” of the repubs that will happen if they lose the election…I laughed when I read that…rebrand to what? The repub party is JUST what they have been showing in this primary season…a group of racist, mysoginist, haters that are reflecting exactly what their base is….that no minorities need apply…that women are just things that have no rights to control their own bodies…that christians deserve special rights to discriminate against everyone they don’t like and the repubs will use the government to deliver this hate….if this is your vision of America, you sure as hell shouldn’t be here reading this….go back to redstate….geez….