Well…another day…and another problem with coming up with a topic for the day…I have done almost 4,500 of these so I guess that would begin to be a problem….I did read a little more of the David Koch interview where he is whining about the tone of the repub candidates and the party in general…laughed a bit a that one since he and his brother are basically responsible for what the repub party has become…the anti science, and anti everyone who is not straight and white party….the only thing I have to say to ole Dave is “you built that”….not really any more politics right now that interests me so I won’t write about it…..we do need to put the kibosh on the pie fight between Hillary and Bernie soon….Bernie can’t win so he needs to be gracious and start working on policy that can realistically be achieved with Hillary as president….and then we start looking for the VP candidate that would help put us over the top….I would love that to be Elizabeth Warren but I’m not sure where her talents would be better spent….she would probably bring along a lot of the Bernie supporters and we can sure use that…and then Bernie can take over pushing financial reform that she is doing now…hmmm….that could be a topic…for later….not now…