Well….I know I’ve used this title before, but it fits this post so well I thought I’d use it again…after all there are only so many new titles…as you know…as everyone should know, the emergency manager that was appointed to oversee Flint and it’s water supply tried to save some money buy not spending the $100 a day to treat the acidic water and keep it from eating away the lead pipes and poisoning people. That would have resulted in a cost of about $36,000 a year to keep people safe…but that was just too much for Darnell Early, the idiot that made that decision….after all, austerity is one of the tenets of the repub religion that values money above all else. Well…ole Darnell is back after being removed as the Detroit Public Schools emergency manager…where he slithered after poisoning Flint…and now, he is adding insult to injury to the people of Flint by trying to charge them for his $750 an hour lawyer he needs to fight the criminal charges that he faces….now, you’ve heard of chutzpah before…but this guy’s face should be beside the definition in the dictionary…..and he shouldn’t get a damn dime…what other criminal gets the organization he worked for to pay for defense of his criminal actions? Not another dime out of my taxes for this idiot….geez…