April 28th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool….slept okay, too…so I have a little energy today…running early today since I have to have the car in to the shop at 8 for the new exhaust and I hope that goes off with no snags….my shoulder seems to be healing from I’m not sure what but there are still twinges of pain that I’m sure I would have aggravated if I would have tried the exhaust…and, it’s raining out there and I hate to get wet so that is a plus, too….feel okay today with being good for the fourth day now and I may make it 5 today…I am getting used to feeling okay…well…okay but for the allergies that are killing me…had to take something for it in the middle of the day yesterday and that is not normal…not much to do today….just the car and the grocery run then back here for cooking and cleaning….more later….

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