This is going to be interesting…

Well…have been thinking a little about this year in politics and the only thing I can say is it is going to be interesting….I have been a little burned out on the whole thing for a while but with all of the firsts that are happening, I just have to pay attention. First, you have the candidate from the repub side that has pulled back the curtain to expose the seething hate that is the hallmark of that party….and does not apologize for his racism but revels in it….I have never seen this kind of candidate in my lifetime…and I don’t know if anyone has. Then we have the distinct possibility of electing our first female president and that makes me smile some…that, and the dems finally finding their voice against the lies of the right is going to make this interesting, too….I really can’t wait until they turn Obama and Biden loose…if the speech that Obama did the other day is any indication, it looks like we are in for a treat this summer and fall….can’t wait….

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