Well…not sure if you’ve been following it or not, but England just voted to leave the EU and, in the process, threw a wrench into the global financial system….with the Dow losing over 600 points in reaction. And, it didn’t need to happen…it was just a political miscalculation by their prime minister, Cameron, who has been wrong on almost everything since he took over…especially with his slavish devotion to austerity which has hit the middle class and the poor in England much more than the ruling classes. But, when you dig into the numbers, it was the old, white people who were duped into voting against their own self interest by racist, xenophobic lies…does that sound familiar? It is the template that the repubs have been using in the US for some time now and, up to this point, it has worked…you just have to look at the nomination of Trump who threw the racism into overdrive and shouts it every chance he gets…but, the problem with the low information voters in England that voted with their guts instead of their heads is that they have just resigned their country to almost permanent recession….and have sentenced their children to less than they had…less opportunity for good jobs and less chance for them to advance in the world….just what Trump wants to do here….the stupidity is just hard to fathom….geez…