Well….we all know that the Trump campaign is run by a bunch of idiots and they added just a little more proof today when ole Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, went on the morning show to spew the crazy assed talking point that Obama’s foreign policy was responsible for Captain Khan’s death…in 2004. Now, Paul, we’ve been over this before…who was president in 2004? Hmmmm…someone not named Obama…could it be GW Bush? So, now what you’re saying, Paul, is that our foreign policy was being set by the state of Illinois in 2004, and that Obama, being a state senator at the time was responsible? Let’s get right to the point, Paul, you are an idiot and a liar if you believe the crap you vomit every day on the TV box….please get some help for your delusions…and while you’re at it..get some for Donald, too…geez…