Well….I wonder how I can be so busy when I have nothing to do…have been out to the grocery store again this morning…got a bunch of stuff really cheaply so I guess that makes it okay…and I need to get on the bike in the next 5 minutes to get back here to see F1 practice at 9:30 so this one may be short…I did get the car cleaned yesterday and that made me feel good but it’s supposed to rain later so it may have been futile cleaning it….I figured out the pain I’ve had in my chest the past couple of days…it was acid reflux….had a suspicion it was but heart problems were on my mind since all of my brothers had them at some time…but a zantac cleared it right up so that is a relief….and it wasn’t related to exertion so that was another clue….it’s pool day today but I don’t really have anything else to do so I won’t…more later….