Well…I guess today we know what ole Trump thinks is a “strong leader” when he describes Putin…a “strong leader” that sends missiles into the Ukraine and orders a passenger plane with 300 people on board shot down just because it was flying over the country. That is the conclusion of an international investigation that was released yesterday…that the Russian government sent the missile launcher into Ukraine and on the orders of the Russian government, launched the missile that destroyed the plane…then recalled the launcher back to Russia. This is standard fare for Putin and if Trump were to be elected, the green light will be on for Putin to ramp up his terrorism in the former states of the Soviet Union…since it has been his stated goal to reconstitute it and put those countries back under Russian control…and when you know that, you know why Trump has been attacking NATO, the only protection these states have from Russia and Putin. Never in the history of our country has a presidential candidate spouted support for a violent dictator and told him that “if I am elected, go ahead and subjugate anyone you want, I won’t do anything about it”. Trump needs to explain…but never will….geez…