Well…the more I see of life, the crazier it gets…with the hurricane bearing down on Florida, I just saw a short clip from Fox news with this idiot pointing to the map of it’s path into Florida and said “you’re all gonna die…and your children, too”…not sure if he was making a joke but it was still in really bad taste…but I guess it fits fox news pretty well….on the flip side of that, many of the right wing websites are parroting the idea that the hurricane is a hoax and conservatives shouldn’t believe the NWS since it is run by Obama and you can’t trust him…Jade Helm…something, something…..so, I will say to the idiot conservatives that read these sites…sure, stay there, there’s no hurricane coming…damn, you caught us at another liberal conspiracy…just walk right out to the beach to see for yourself….and don’t leave for at least a few hours since the liberals control the weather and you might catch them in their conspiracy…..and then you can go on Breitbart and expose them….geez….