October 7th

Well…still hurt everywhere and I can’t figure it out….I did figure out why my toes on my right foot hurt and it’s the damn weight machine again…whacked my foot on it the other day…something I’ve done more than once….but I can’t remember how I hurt my back…it’s not as bad today so I think it’s healing….had a pretty busy day yesterday with work and the grocery run and the bike ride keeping me busy until late in the aft and that is a good thing…today will not be busy at all with just the bike ride and pool, but I am looking forward to grilling some pork chops for lunch….back to not eating enough and I am feeling it today…or it’s the allergies again since they have been quite bad lately….I do need to remember to take something for it…I noticed that the key I have been using for the car for the past 4 years has a crack in it so I have to use the dealer cut one I paid 15 bucks for….I thought that the ignition lock was wearing out but the new key works just fine…probably should get a couple of new ones cut to have some spares….more later…

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