Well…with the idiot Trump continuing to whip his crowds up with chants of “lock her up”, it’s time to really look at who is the criminal here. Over the past 25 years, the repubs have spent over 100 million dollars “investigating” the Clintons…and guess what? While the right breathlessly repeats that Hillary is under investigation, none of them have found any criminal wrongdoing by her. On the other side, the idiot Donald is going on trial for fraud on Monday…the first of many trials related to him ripping off the students at his Trump U…and just yesterday, the NLRB has found that he is breaking the law by refusing to bargain with unionized workers at his Las Vegas hotel. And yet, working class people are overwhelmingly supporting him no matter that his policies would drive them even deeper into poverty if he is elected. So, who’s the criminal here? It sure isn’t Hillary…geez…