Well…on the ride this morning, I ran across a shopping cart where the trail breaks off from the sidewalk near Kalamazoo and M-6…this is really not too unusual since I see them every couple of weeks…the weird thing was, about a mile and a half down the trial there is another one…sitting in the middle of the trail just like the first one…and then another one, and another one…by the time I was half way through the ride I had counted 7 of them…which is weird enough, that someone pushed some of these carts more than a mile to get them where they were, but after the last one, I noticed something strange…the each one was turned 45 degrees clockwise from the last one….now, this doesn’t happen by accident but I am still puzzling out what the meaning of the whole project was…is it art? Is it aliens? Not sure…but it was weird….