Fillers, fillers, fillers….

Well….with the restriction on what I can read about, that really puts a crimp in getting to the goal for the month….but, I am going to try….I think it was a mistake to buy that super non-stick pan….have been making omelets all week since I got it Monday, and that is way too many eggs to eat to keep my cholesterol down…, I think I’ll have to put it away for a while and eat healthier…going to start that tomorrow with some chicken pot pie filling that has no fat in it so that will be better for me….I feel just so sluggish eating two meals a day that that will have to change, too, or I’ll blow up…I think I’ll go back to the old method of just not eating at all for a few days since I can’t get on the bike….okay…going back to the Star Trek marathon that is on….

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