Well…if you wanted to see the result of the weakest, most ignorant, and stupid president in the history of the country, you just have to look at the actions of Putin over the past few days where he deployed a new missile system that is specifically prohibited by treaty to go along with his invasion of the Ukraine. Where is the tough guy trump who said that none of this would happen under his watch? As the idiot trump fiddles, the rest of the world has his measure and is taking advantage of his stupidity….across the globe, every country has seen that trump is just an idiot and they are going it alone since they know there is no US leadership with trump in charge…..this is who you voted for repubs…in less than one month trump has made the US much less safe and much less respected in the world…cripes even Iran is laughing at him…and Yemen, and Germany, and Russia, and the list goes on….repubs, impeach this idiot before he does even more damage….