17,000 dead….

Well…what must be in the repubs souls when all of them are okay with condemning 17,000 of their fellow Americans to certain death just to give tax cuts to the rich? That is the estimate of how many Americans WILL die if the repub plan replaces the ACA…let that one sink in for a minute…just because they hate Obama and the fact that the ACA helps people, they are willing to kill 17,000 Americans just to get their revenge and to pay off the millionaires and billionaires that bought them an election. This has got to be tied to every one of them at their town halls…ask them if they are okay with killing 17,000 Americans just to give the rich more of the country…and then ask their voters if they were voting to die when they voted for these assholes. I have a sinking feeling it won’t matter to the racists that voted these idiots in….they will rationalize it by saying “at least none of those damn Illegal immigrants are going to get healthcare”. That’s the thing, these voters want their racism more than they want their healthcare…and I fear they are willing to die and take a lot of other people with them to keep the racists in office….impeach….

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