Well…how do you feel now trump voters? Voting for hate and racism has gotten you this…once you got trump into office he has turned on you like the liar he is…filling his government with Goldman Sachs execs who will only pursue policies that will help the rich, not you ignorant fools. Both in his trumpcare proposal that will take healthcare away from many of you and make it un-affordable for the rest of you…leaving you to die early or go broke paying for your healthcare…to his budget which will destroy any program that helped you at all….jobs training? Gone. Environmental protections that finally gave you in coal country clean air and water? Gone. You get the picture…no, you probably don’t. You are propelled by hatred and racism and have been manipulated by trump and his cronies…aren’t you pissed about how much you’ve been lied to? Or are you too ignorant to turn off fox news and think for yourself? Your hero trump went on tv and admitted his policies will hurt the counties that voted for him most and then he said oh, well…that’s just how it is. Feeling pretty stupid yet? You should be….impeach…