Well…and I don’t mean “The Wall” by Pink Floyd…but the idiotic, 30 billion dollar wall that the moron trump wants to build along the border with Mexico. This question popped into my head this morning when I read something about it in my Twitter feed….exactly where is the wall going to go? Is it going to go on our side of the Rio Grande or Mexico’s side? I’m pretty sure that Mexico isn’t going to allow us to take their land and annex it to the US, so that leaves the other option….our side of the river. But. since the border runs down the middle of the river, that would mean that we would be ceding our rights to the land to the south of the wall to the middle of the river and, along with it, our rights to the river. This is something that was set by treaty and can’t be undone by just one of the parties so the idiot can’t just use an executive order….just another in the long line of ignorant, half baked ideas that the moron in chief has spouted…..try again, idiot. Impeach…