Is there anyone more ridiculous than trump?

Well…the damage that trump and his cronies have done to this country in 90 days is just breathtaking….this ethically challenged mob has made the US the laughing stock of the world and the hits just continue….just read an article about a woman who teaches other governments about our ethics laws and the fact that now when people come in for the courses and she starts teaching they just laugh…since they can read the reporting of trump’s using the government to steal money for himself, ignoring ethics laws and the constitution all at the same time…only 90 days to destroy over 200 years of being the example of ethical government. But it doesn’t stop there…the ridiculous trump is now demanding of the British government provide him with a gilded, horsedrawn carriage for him to ride in when he makes a state visit there later this month…now can you say “Ugly American” any louder than that? This idiot thinks he is the king of the US, not the president….what a no class clown….impeach…

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